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Following a successful capital campaign, Goucher College developed a strategic plan—“Transcending Boundaries and Transforming Lives”—charting an ambitious path forward for the College. Yet, this strategic plan was also developed amid concerns about a shrinking donor base and the College’s advancement potential.

Furthermore, it had been nearly 20 years since an outside party had reviewed Goucher’s development department. The College wanted experts in the field to assess the good work its fundraisers were already doing—and identify the areas where the College’s development department needed to grow and change.


The Campbell & Company fundraising team reviewed and analyzed materials related to fundraising and alumnae/i affairs activities, staff organization and expectations, and department policies.

Campbell & Company’s Strategic Information Services team facilitated a predictive modeling exercise with strategic partner Target Analytics, using sociodemographic and financial information to build statistical profiles of Goucher’s donors, then analyzed these profiles to determine the likelihood that they might make a gift and estimate a gift range.

The team also completed a benchmarking survey of Goucher against its peers, as well as a focused assessment of the effectiveness of Goucher’s website and social media activities in generating engagement and philanthropic support.

Our assessment of Goucher’s development department ranks among the most comprehensive development assessments our firm has completed.

“Campbell & Company went the extra mile to understand us—and to deliver work and advice that was absolutely tailored to Goucher, our staff and our situation.”

– Margaret-Ann Radford-Wedemeyer, Vice President for Development and Alumnae/i Affairs, Goucher College

Armed with Campbell & Company’s findings and recommendations for how to structure its fundraising efforts, Goucher’s approach to fundraising has become more donor-centered and more data-driven—and it shows. In 2013, the College achieved its fundraising goals for unrestricted and restricted annual giving for the first time in years.